Sunday, June 30, 2013

Grand Slam by J.T. Cheyanne

Right off the bat I have to apologize to J.T. who was kind enough to gift me with a copy of her new book. Sorry it took me so long to review your book sweetie.

Now, having said that, I have to say that I very much enjoyed reading this book and can't believe I waited so long to read it! I love the characters in this book, these seemed so real that I felt like I was watching the story play out before my very eyes. This book is a funny, light hearted, romantic story about two people who despite their differences are perfect for each other. I loved the humor that each and everyone of the characters displayed through out the book, especially the kids, I laughed so hard at their antics throughout the story. I swear I think I laughed and sighed through out damn near the whole book! I loved the main characters Brock and Spencer, who despite their differences seem to compliment each other perfectly! And the love scenes *fans self* HELLO! I just have to say that you should either be alone or with the one you love when you read these cause they will definitely have you hot under the collar.

I do believe that J.T. Cheyanne has a home run *hehehe baseball humor* on her hands! I can't say enough about how great Grand Slam is! My only complaint about this book is that it wasn't long enough, I didn't want it to end, it's that good! So if you're looking for a great book that will make you laugh out load and warm your heart then this is a book that I highly recommend you read!

Note: This book contains M/M sex scenes that may cause you to break out into a sweat!

Book can be found at,, and


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Magic Mike

OMG! This was one of the slowest movies EVER!! It took forever for this movie to actually go somewhere. When it finally did start to take off it just kind of plateaued, like it started to get better and then just kind of flat lined through out the rest of the movie with only a couple spikes to keep me from saying screw it and stop watching it. Some of the dialogue was funny and some of the men were very fine but that's it. I honestly think I would have gotten more out of it watching it on mute and even then I would have been up cleaning or something while not paying that much attention to it. I don't know what all the hub bub was about when this movie first came actually I do, good looking muscly men, that was the hook that reeled in so many. So if you want to watch a movie that features some good looking men then this is the movie for you, if you like movies that have good dialogue....well like I said some of it was good some of it wasn't and if you want a movie that is good from beginning to end then I suggest you find something else.