Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Current Between Us by Kindle Alexander **Review, Author Interview And Giveaway**

Kindle Alexander is coming! Kindle Alexander is coming! *happy dance* The ever lovely and talented Kindle Alexander is coming by today to do an author interview with me. I'll be asking her some hard hitting questions....okay not really but it sounds better when I say it like that, instead of studdering like an idiot as I gush on and on about how much I love her and her books. Before she gets her though I'm going to let you in on what I thought about her newest book The Current Between Us!

I fuckin' loved it! I normally tend to read quickly, not because I'm in a hurry but because that's just how I read, but with this book I had to take my time. It was just that good! I love the main characters Trent and Gage, the romance that blooms between them is so sweet, especially since it's love at first sight....okay so it's lust then love but you get where I'm going with this. Plus, there are two of the cutest little kids in this book which just adds to the fun (all the parents can quiet looking at me like I'm crazy, I'm an aunt, it's fun to me cause I get to leave and go home when I've had my fill of the "fun"). This book will make you laugh and may even bring a tear to your eye. There are even some DUM DUM DUMMMMMM scenes in this book, I felt like I was "watching" a soap opera or something!! I was like, please no commericals, it just got to the good part....and then my Kindle started blinking at me saying I had a low battery!! Let me tell you, I couldn't find my charger fast enough. And the sex scenes!! *fans self* I don't want to give anything away but I have to say that I wished I was a gay man for like five minutes, they were that freakin' hot, I'm just sayin'! PLUS (and I say this only cause I ragged on Kindle about it in her last book) I didn't spot any typos!! *happy dance*  So, if you are looking for a hot, steamy, laugh out loud, feel good book then I suggest that you go to one of the websites listed below and BUY BUY BUY!!

“I would like you to walk with me, Trent. I want the world to know I found you,” Gage to Trent



Author Interview with Kindle Alexander

*pouring a couple of glasses of sweet ice tea (cause that's just good manners and cause in the south tea ain't tea if it ain't sweet) as I get ready for Kindle to show up. When she walks in the door followed by Keagan Kruze, I eye ball him to make sure he doesn't have any knifes on him. The man is fasinated with stabbing me, especially in the ass. Grinning, I point to a corner in the kitchen where I set him up with a small table complete with a Hulk coloring book, 64 pack of crayons and a juice book. I do it to piss him off and to see him glare, he's so cute when he glares*

Me: *smiling at Kindle* Hi Kindle! Thanks for taking the time to stop by, I know you've been busy with the blog tour. 

Kindle: THANK YOU very much for having me here. Its exciting to be apart of the blog and this interview!

*sitting down at the table I get my paper and pen (yep paper and pen, I'm going old school....cause I'm cool like that) ready to start jotting down her answers as I fire off questions at her* 

Me: Okay first question. What made you decide to make Trent a Daddy in this book?  

Kindle: It was William Levy on dancing with the stars. I watched an interview where he talked about his little three or four year old daughter being crazy. She’d run out and try to dance with him if he brought her to the studio. I liked Trent having Em. I like the idea of all the men having to deal with this strong, cute, emotional little girl. 

Me: There is something about men having to deal with little girls that just makes you melt. Thong or Commando? 

Kindle: Me? Panties. I know lame. Gage? Definitely commando. Trent might wear a thong if Gage asked real nice. He wouldn’t want to, but he would.  

Me: *snicker* Sounds like he's wrapped around his little finger. What's your all time favorite drink with a funky name? (Example Slippery Nipple) 

Kindle: Screaming Orgasm – duh.

Me: Why Chicago? 

Kindle: I lived there for several years, plus I needed a place that had lots of massive downtown property for Layne Construction to own and work. And its not a million degrees for five months out of the year – like Texas. This time of year, I ALWAYS wish I still lived there!

Me: Do you pull inspiration from your real life when writing your characters? (Example character named Will is named after my cousin William) 

Kindle: OH YES! I’m terrible about that. Every person is named for someone in my life – I struggle finding names. I’m sure all your names will be in my stories soon. Charla will def be my next crazy female that might have to be killed off… (HAHAHA) My father’s an Electrical Contractor, hence Trent’s profession. My writing partner is a photographer, hence the photo’s. I live in the country, was in FFA for four years…Texas Pride.

Me: LMAO! Love it! Well if and when I show up in one of your books I'm sure it'll be so tragic...oh oh oh can I get the guys to give me a long lingering kiss before I take my last breath....or at least let me cop a feel, I mean I am dying!! LMAO

(Note to Self: Asking to cop a feel of one the characters in future books gets you weird looks while author laughs their asses off)

Me: What got you started in writing M/M romance?  

Kindle: Blaylock Rocke! Its true. Love him. 

Me: Do you have a cover model? Can I meet him? 

Kindle: Lol!  No, listen! This is important!!!!! I need you to hook me up with William Levy and Ryan McPartlin and I have free ebooks of every book I ever write for the rest of my life if anyone can get them to kiss, with tongue, at least one time with me there, or video – FROM EVERY ANGLE!

Me: LMAO! I'll see what I can do but I've been told that people frown on me threatening to "cut a bitch" if they don't do what I want and since I would soooo want every one of the books you ever write, and for free (be still my pimpin' heart), I'd definitely be threatening somebody if my charm alone didn't work (I wonder if I'd have to kidnap one of them or if they'd come willingly, Note To Self, find out how much duck tape and rope one would need to kidnap William Levy or Ryan McPartlin)

Me: *grin* What are your top 5 favorite authors? I know, it's hard to pick just five but give it a whirl  

Kindle: Top five favorite. Its changed since I started reading on an ereader. 
1) Avril Ashton
2) JT Cheyanne
3) GA Hauser
4) Christi Snow – I’m re-reading her right now. 
5) VL Moon
6) Susan Mac Nicol

Me: How do you come up with your storyline/characters? Do you sit and think about them or do they just pop in your head and harass you? 

Kindle: You know what, I love writing for this reason. You get the charries in your head for longer. I still get end of story hangover, but overall they get to be there for months and that’s awesome!

Me: Ice cream or Popsicles? 

Kindle: Tofu… Kidding. Both, together. 

Me: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go and why? 

Kindle: I’m lame, I’ll go anywhere as long as there is no heat. I hate the Texas heat.

*glancing at the clock I see that we've been at it for awhile and since I know she has more stops to make today, I figure I should let her get going or I'll continue to bomb bard her with questions. Plus Keagan is looking bored and as much as I enjoy torturing him, I know I'll never hear the end of it if he has to sit there much longer*

Me: Thanks again for stopping by Kindle, it was good to see you and I hope we can do this again when your next book comes out! 

Kindle: Thank you Charla! I appreciate you very much!

Keagan: *Stabs Charla in her butt for making him stay in the corner*

*looking at my ass, I turn and growl at Keagan as he follows Kindle out the door* Damn it Keagan!! This was my favorite pair of pants and now there's a hole in 'em!! *Keagan flips me off over his shoulder as he slams the door shut behind him* Ass! 

Below is the blurb for The Current Between Us, Author Info, and where to buy your copy of Kindle's fabulous new book!

Gage Synclair, international, hard-hitting investigative photojournalist, is preparing for the final special report of his career…a story of deception and murder six long years in the making. And after ten years in some of the worst parts of the world, he’s ready to settle down and open an art gallery in his hometown of Chicago. The only thing getting in his way, he needs to find a competent electrician to finish the job before his grand opening.

Trent Cooper, electrical contractor, is surprised by the last minute request for a fast-paced electrical remodel, wanting nothing more than to get his foot in the door with Layne Construction. Being gay in the construction industry isn’t easy, nor is being father to his two young adopted children. Trent keeps his life in separate zones to avoid a short circuit. But when the gallery owner propositions him on the first day, Trent can’t help but think his worlds are a little too close for comfort.

Will their high-voltage passion spark everlasting love or will their lives break the circuit between them forever?

About the Author:
Best Selling Author Kindle Alexander is a innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica in both the male/male and male/female genres. It’s always a surprise to see what’s coming next! Happily married, with five children, and four dogs living in the suburbs of Dallas, where the only thing bigger than the over active imagination, may be the women’s hair!

Author Links:

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Current Between Us Blog Tour

July 16, 2013
Kindle Alexander is coming!
Kindle Alexander is coming!!
*happy dance*

Be sure to stop by and check out my review of The Current Between Us by Kindle Alexander 
The author interview, where I get to sit and yak it up with KINDLE ALEXANDER!!!!
*happy dance, happy dance*

The Current Between Us Blog Tour Schedule
July 10-16, 2013

July 10, 2013
*Twinsie Talk Book Blog  twinsietalk.blogspot.com/
*Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews sinfullysexybooks.blogspot.co.uk/

July 11, 2013
*Swoon Worthy Books   www.swoonworthybooks.com
*Booky Ramblings Blog   bookyramblings.blogspot.co.uk/

July 12, 2013
*Say What? Savannah Mae  saywhatsavannahmae.com/
*My Secret Romance Book Reviews                                                mysecretromancebookreviews.com/

July 13, 2013
*Crystal’s Many Reviews   crystalsmanyreviews.blogspot.com/
*Fab Fun & Tantalizing Reads   fabfunandtantalizingreads.com
*Three Chicks and Their Books   threechicksandtheirbooks.com

July 14, 2013
*Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons
*Scandalous Book Blog    scandalousbookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
*Book Addict Mumma    bookaddictmumma.wordpress.com
*Crazies R Us  Book Blog    craziesrusbookblog.blogspot.com/

July 15, 2013
*Dawn’s Reading Nook   dawnsreadingnook.blogspot.com
*Tamara’s One Stop Indie Shop   theindieshop.blogspot.com/
*The Bitches of Eastwick     sisterbitches.blogspot.com

July 16, 2013
*Shh Mom’s Reading    www.shhmomsreading.com
*Little Red’s Book Review   littleredsbookreviews.blogspot.com/
*The Book Pimp    thebookpimp85.blogspot.com
*The Risque Redhead Reads   therisqueredheadreads.com

Give Away –
There will be one give away for the whole blog using Rafflecopter. Please copy and paste this html code into your blog posting to participate in the contest.  There will be 7 prizes:
1 - $10 Amazon Gift Card
3 – ebooks to The Current Between Us
3 – ebooks to Texas Pride

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